Every day blood donations save the lives of babies, mothers in childbirth and people having operations or suffering from medical conditions. It is crucial that we all have access to our own inherited blood type. Specific blood groups are more common amongst South Asians, and patients with medical conditions such as Thalassaemia Major require regular transfusions.
Under 1% of blood donations in the UK are given by people of South Asian origin. That’s why we need you to be a VIP in your community and give blood. If one of your friends or relatives ever needs blood to save their life, that lifesaver could be you. And one day the person needing blood could be you.
To find out more about becoming a blood donor visit our website www.blood.co.uk
Or call 0300 123 23 23.
There are no health risks involved.
New needles are used for each donor, and your body replaces donated blood very quickly.
Here are the three steps to becoming a blood donor:
Blood Facts: